Oh oh… Big gales forecast for tomorrow AND Friday. I can hear the wind hurtling in form the west, moaning and sometimes howling and battering the roof slates, limbering up for the full, unadulterated rammy! An air of apprehension and excitement as to what force nature will throw at us tomorrow and how we may have to alter plans to adapt to it’s unpredictable temperament. Yorick MAY go to work on the mainland if the ferry runs but will take his sleeping bag in case he can’t return, Ruben felt very sick on the big boat on Monday and that was just a mediocre swell, will he endure the sea gales tomorrow for a day’s veterinary experience? I wonder!
I however, will one way or another venture to the studio to complete one of each design ordered by eco motives. Fabric arrived yesterday, thank god, so work could proceed today.

Delicious tweed
First things first! My sewing machine was becoming increasingly rattly and I know that sound. It is the sound of congealed fluff in the system and right enough, when I opened the hatch it looked a little as though the contents of a hoover had been rammed in to the works. Out with the paint brush and oil and in with avengance. It’s now purring like a happy cat again. Miaow!

Fluff wars
My original plan for today was to finalise the berry design but that involves dyeing habotai silk and I’d left my dies in the shed back home. Bum!!
So I pushed on with the other cushions, designing certain aspects of their structure as I made. I’m realising that my understanding of what will and won’t work with fabric and design has grown with experience and I’m able to apply ideas with a little less trial and error. I wanted there to be an element of 3 dimensionality and structure to these cushions so I have ribbed the side panels. I want it to look a bit like a tree trunk, but nothing too fussy and (let’s get real) time consuming.

Front of the twig and leaf cushion

Cushions on the scabby seat.
Tomorrow I WILL finalise the berry design and I’m well looking forward to making my first tea and coffee cosy. Stay tuned!
OK…for the benefit of NOTS customer I’m going to throw in a few pics of her moss nest brooch which was sent out today!

Threads and fabric for the Moss nest brooch

Nest sewn, buttons to be added

See you tomorrow
xx Sarah