Hello again. Back to my computer and textiles and a list as long as my arm of to do’s and resolutions.
The festive season was cosy and boozy. Lots of visits and singing (after rediscovering the beatles for buskers book) and, of course, the Campbell Ceilidh on the 29th.This has become a yearly fixture when all of us daughters (except Alison in Canada sadly) and our cousin Jan invite friends and family to play, dance and eat.
My sister, Mairi and brother in law, Dave, provided the music with their band, Bella McNab’s. They were fantastic, great beat..lovely feel. Ada, my niece, who is 11 years old played Clarsach amongst a very talented folk band of friends. Blown away with the talent of this next generation emerging..there are exciting sounds to come…I know it!
On the way back from Edinburgh we stopped at a car park on Ranoch Moor only to be greeted by two magnificent stags who have sussed that there are rich pickings to be had by passing tourists. Visit Scotland could not have dreamt up a finer advert for the highlands. It was almost too twee to appreciate.
Tom has decided that a deer park is the way to go with our crofting plans. I prefer seeing them in the wild personally.
