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LISMORE  is a beautiful island nestled within Loch Linnhe on the West Coast of Scotland.

It has a rich heritage and a vibrant community and boasts an award winning museum as well as some of the most stunning panoramas in Argyll.

Find out more by visiting the island website:

or come and indulge in craft for a weekend with Sarah on a LISMORE TEXTILE RETREAT


Sarah Campbell was born in Edinburgh in 1969 and studied textiles at Goldsmith's College, London.

Much of her childhood was spent on the Isle of Lismore on the West Coast of Scotland where her enduring love of textiles was born.

"I have vivid memories of picking wool from fences and bringing it home to wash, card, and spin and making rag rugs on an old cart wheel we'd converted into a loom." 

Inspiration comes from the rich flora and fauna of the island as well as the ever changing colours of the landscape and skies.

 Sarah now lives and works on a croft on the island with her husband, a flock of shetland sheep and a variety of hens.

Read all about mud, muck and Mogwaii in Sarah's blog.



In 2003 Sarah set up Mogwaii Design as a platform for Sarah's distinctive textile work.


Sarah's  focus is now on painting, print and running creative retreats however textile commissions  and collaborations with interior designers and architects to create bespoke interior furnishings are welcome. Please reach out if you are interested.


Sarah works from her custom built studio on the croft and welcomes visits by appointment.


Follow Mogwaii's day to day in the studio on Facebook or instagram

Or telephone or whats app Sarah on 07484 875 396

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